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Overlord, Vol. 4 (light novel): The Lizardman Heroes de Kugane Maruyama
Autor: Kugane MaruyamaCategoria: Libros,Juvenil,Novelas y ficción literaria
Tapa blanda: 304 páginas
Editor: Yen Press; Edición: 01 (6 de junio de 2017)
Colección: Overlord
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 316397598
ISBN-13: 978-0316397599
Descripción - An army of death approaches a peaceful lizardman village--an army of undead deployed by Nazarick. Its commander is the Sovereign of the Frozen River Cocytus. The lizardman coalition shall face the Great Tomb of Nazarick. The weak are meat the strong shall eat in the merciless world that awaits in Volume 4. Biografía del autor Kugane Maruyama (Author) Kugane Maruyama is the author behind the Overlord novel series.so-bin (Author) so-bin is the artist behind the Overlord novel series.
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